
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Returning to Oz - 19th episode

Last night I discovered that the 19th episode of Aaron Pacentine's "Returning to Oz" has been released onto the Internet. Aaron usually sends an e-mail and posts this at the International Wizard of Oz Club's message board, but none this time.

In this episode, Aaron, Aaron Schultz, Jason Cottle and Travis Black talk about the Oz books, a few movies, a bit of how they'd like to see a new film version of Oz, the Annotated Wizard of Oz by Micheal Patrick Hearn (though they couldn't remember his name), and noting that, based on the press kits, Disney's Return to Oz seems to have been more honestly advertised in the United Kingdom than in the United States. (Here in the U.S., it was advertised as a fun family fantasy film.) Also, Aaron Pacentine interviews Joshua Dudley, who wrote the book Lost in Oz. Aside from talking about the books and comics, Joshua also talks about his Oz collection.

Once again, the episode can be dowloaded at

In another week or so, episode 21 (the 20th episode was released early) will be released. This will be the episode where I will appear. I hope many of you silent blog readers will listen to this and the other episodes. I'm looking forward to it myself, not because I'm on it (though I do want to hear how I sound so I can improve in later episodes), but because there will also be a large portion I'm not on.

And if anyone's wondering, yes, I did agree to review the episodes.

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