
Monday, June 04, 2007


Well, last Saturday, Aaron Pacentine uploaded the 22nd episode of Returning to Oz to the Internet, so it's time for a review. (Albeit delayed, I was very busy Saturday and Sunday, sorry!)

In this episode, music teacher Andrew Kepp (sic) is featured. As a music teacher, he analyzes the first track of the soundtrack album for Return to Oz. His comments will be of great interest to anyone who is interested in music, film scores, film editing, or wants to know some of the somewhat more obscure facts behind Disney's movie.

Afterward, we switch over to a previously recorded interview with Andrew, where he gets to speak about his interest in Return to Oz and Oz in general, including comments on the MGM movie and the 2005 restoration.

That closes the episode, but there is also an additional bonus feature. (There was also one for episode 21, but it was not uploaded until after I'd finished the review.) This is an interview an Oz fan named David Reddish, who gets his time in to share his comments on Oz. He also talks about a tour he had at the Disney Burbank lot, and what he got to see, including some artifacts (okay, maybe not the proper term, but still) from Return to Oz.

All in all, this episode does not cover Oz as generally as has been done in some past episodes, episode regulars Aaron Schultz and Jason Cottle and Travis Black do not appear, but this does not make it "bad." It will still appeal to Oz fans, especially those who are interested in Return to Oz.

Very soon, Aaron has announced, episode 23 will be released, and there will be a review on that one, just as soon as I can listen to it.

To check it all out, the address, once again, is

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