
Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sketchy Details

I've been a little excited about that animation to open the Wonders finale. (I wanted to be a Disney animator when I was a little kid. Now, I have the opportunity to animate, but I wouldn't do it for Disney...)

Anyways, here are some idea's I've had... I sketched these with ink pens and mechanical pencils on scrap paper, so...

The Palace of the Emerald City, based on a photo of the Mitchell Library in Glasgow from Al Cook's blog.

A sketch of the towers of the Emerald City. Those squiggly lines are supposed to represent marble, which I can't seem to draw...

This is how Ozma's dress will look from the front in the animation. I've done no back sketches. Note that the sleeves (which are supposed to be green) attach to green cape/cloak, that I plan to have a gold version of John R. Neill's OZ insignia on the back. Also, I was going to do a full body picture of Ozma, but had no room for her head in proper proportion, so just imagine that Ozma's dress is on a headless mannequin, or Langwidere is modeling it without wearing a head...

Ozma's face, not too different from Neill's idea. I can't seem to avoid making her hair look wet...

THIS is not going into the animation, it was just a fun scribble...

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