
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Packing Up, Moving Out

Well, next month, Tripod will be closing, so the Dorothy and Ozma Productions website, which has been up about four years or so there, will be history, though you'll probably still be able to access what content there is there on the Wayback Machine of

So, I've just made sure all of my files from that site are backed up, and now I'm looking for a new way to do the site.

If you want to let me know about other hosts I could use, go ahead, though I'm already looking into one. My plan is to do a new website, not specifically Oz, though there will be a large portion devoted to it. Salvage-worthy content from my other lesser-known websites will be on the site, along with some surprises.

One will be that I am seriously considering hosting the videos I have that are currently on YouTube, and in fact, not posting Oz videos on YouTube anymore. That will take some work, but it should be doable. (I've already backed up my current YouTube videos to a CD-ROM, yep, the file size of them all was about 680MB. So, I already have them in the nominal FLV format.) This would include all of the Wonders series.

I'm even considering, once I get this set up, removing my videos from YouTube and either closing the RoyalKidofOz account, or start fresh with new, original material. (Though I do have another channel for this...)

So, I'm looking out of the range of free hosting... I should probably get an Amazon affiliate set up to help out there...

I'm also going to go ahead and say I've been toying with the idea of doing a podcast, which would be a feature of the entire site, and would have some interviews that, while the central focus may not be Oz, should prove interesting to Oz fans. A good site would be a good step into doing this.

Here is the link to my old site: Right now, I'd welcome comments and suggestions about how I should do a new site. (Where's Matt Bloom when you need him? Right, somewhere in Kansas...)

Oh, but rest assured, I'll still blog here, unless Google decides they don't want to host blogs anymore...

EDIT: Okay, it seems my news about Tripod closing actually applies to Canadian servers only, but I'll still proceed with my website migration, as it's something I've needed to do for a LONG time...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Does your ISP offer Web space?

  3. I hadn't thought of that...

    (Looks around.)

    Well, what do you know? They do! Nice suggestion!


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