
Thursday, January 08, 2009

Winkies 09, will I be there?

Okay, the International Wizard of Oz Club (more specifically, David Maxine, who is heading it up this year) is already heavily promoting the Winkie Convention for this July.

I've wanted to go to a Club Convention, pretty much to meet people IN PERSON who love Oz as much as I do (I have no Oz friends here, and no one in my family is interested like me), and I'd like to go to Winkies, because there are people who usually attend who I'd love to meet. (Eric Shanower and Eric Gjovaag come instantly to mind.)

Only problem the last few years has been money. If I had the money to go, I couldn't afford the time off of work. But this year, with some luck, it might finally be my year! (Noting that I said that last year. I'd keep my fingers crossed, but it'sw hard to type that way...)

Money might not be the big issue, though. My sister is getting married six days after the convention, but if transport works out, that should be no big issue, as I'm not in the wedding. (Not yet, anyways.)

With any luck, I'd have a definite answer by the end of February. I hope so! (Some other big plans for me also ride on this hopefully lucky break...)

By the way, here's a photo of my sister and her fiancee. Her name's Audrey, and his name is Shaun O'Donnell:

(Yes, they are awesome.)


  1. Jared, if it helps your decision at all, I also went to a Winkie Convention six days before a wedding — my own!

  2. Haha... And you're still married! Laura must be a great wife.

  3. Hi Jared!

    I really do hope you'll come to Winkies. If you keep shopping around you can likely find a cheap airfare - and it is possible to share a room, too. Once, when I was younger, Three of us got together and split the room.

    Its going to be a very good con i htink -

    Happy Ozzing, David


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