
Sunday, February 22, 2009

A new video and other matters...

Friday night, I uploaded a new video to YouTube:

I edited the video with Adobe Premiere, which is pretty much the best video editing software you can get on Windows. (However, special effects must be added in After Effects, so really, to make good videos, you need both. MAC users have it easier with just Final Cut Pro.) However, due to some other issues, I had to crop and re-size the video before uploading, and I also remixed the sound.

So, now I'm going to get to work on the next Wonders episode, which will be the last numbered episode, Sam's "Wonders of the Land of Oz" (as he's calling it) will be next, followed by the finale.

I'm also looking into the content for my new site. Here's some things I'm looking into:
  • The public domain Oz books and Baum's Oz-related stories in PDF files for Oz books that can both be downloaded and read online easily. I may be including some illustrations, but not all of them.
  • A map of Oz where you can click on landmarks from Baum's books and see information about them.
  • My original computer games available for online play, using a DOS emulator in Javascript, so they can be played by anyone on any platform.
  • My Oz videos hosted on the site, not being mirrored from YouTube.
  • A podcast that can be downloaded or played from the site.
  • Content from last site updated.
Sound good? When I get the site launched, some of these cooler features might not be ready, but I will be working on them.

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