
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Next podcast?

Just letting you know we're trying to get the next podcast together soon. Some of us are up for a Wednesday morning (for the US) recording time, while we're still trying to see if the other is ready.

This one we're planning will reunite Sam Milazzo, Al Cook, and myself for more Ozma of Oz illustration discussion, but expect a bit more of a formal format this time. I've picked out ten illustrations to discuss and how to properly open it and close it.

If it works out, it should definitely be up at the end of the week. It's just that with three people who have jobs and lives and who live in three different countries with different time zones and different Daylight Savings Time rules (and two are in the Northern hemisphere, while the other is the Southern hemisphere), it can get a little difficult to find a good time for all of them to do such a call...

As such, don't expect both Al and Sam to appear together in many future podcasts...

Remember folks, I'm open to suggestions for topics, as I don't want to limit the podcast to one Oz subject. I've got my contact information in a link over to the side there...

(Please don't contact me to suggest interviews with yourself.)

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to the end results. I'm certain it'll be a credit to Oz.

    Par Ardua Ad Alta!


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