
Monday, August 24, 2009

Podcasts coming...

I've been working on the second Oz: The Manga podcast, and after that, I have another one to edit: an interview with F. Douglas Wall about his RPG Adventures in Oz.

Just to give you guys an idea of what goes on when I edit these, here's a few things I go for:
  • Long pauses. Whether we're discussing something, or it's an interview, everyone needs a few seconds to think. However, these seconds are not appreciated by your casual listener, so they get cut.
  • Slurred speech or re-starting sentences. I have a tongue that tends to get tied, after some surgery was done on it when I was a kid. (I forget what exactly it was for.) I often have to repeat myself so I have something clear to present. And sometimes, the guests lose or re-focus their train of thought. Of course, no one wants to hear this, so it gets cut.
  • Length. There is a limit in the size, and the podcast needs to be a length that would be listened to easily. A half hour is an ideal maximum, unless you have a fascinating topic. When Sam and I discussed Oz: The Manga, sometimes we read a bit from the comic. I've kept a couple bits in, but for the most part, I had to axe a lot of it.
  • Uninteresting or irrelevant pieces. They happen. It ties into the above issue of length.
So, while, yes, it is taking awhile, be assured, I'm working on a quality product. (Except that Sam was speaking on the phone, so his quality isn't quite up to mine, but it is very audible.)

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