
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My mother didn't teach me to share...

...With six siblings, it came naturally.

The Royal Blog of Oz is no longer exclusively my blog. My friend Sam Milazzo recently joined Blogger, so I decided to add him as an author to this blog, so he can also offer his Ozzy thoughts and opinions on various topics. You'll notice a few changes about the blog's design.

Also, as if I don't do enough, I've started working on an Oz story. The main character is Button-Bright, though I opened the story with Jellia Jamb. The story will reveal how Button-Bright appeared on the road to Oz in The Road to Oz. So far, I'm calling the story "The Borderlands of Oz," because I intend to have Button-Bright wind up outside of Oz to have a few adventures.

Here's something you won't read in the story that I thought up...
"I've discovered how to stay young forever," said Queen Zixi, rising from her throne. "I need blood... Ozian blood."
Yeah... I've found I write Oz very well if I don't try to get too fantastic with it. For example, I was describing what's in Button-Bright's knapsack, and revealed a never-emptying bottle of water, explaining, "Indeed, with the possibility of magic water anywhere, one had to be careful of the water they used to drink and bathe in. There was no charm to keep someone from needing a bath, except a bar of soap Jellia Jamb had tucked in."

ALSO... I will probably be recording another podcast on Saturday. This time around, it will feature two more readers of my blog, one of which has been on the podcast before, and one who hasn't.

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