
Friday, May 14, 2010

L. Frank Baum's Birthday Podcast

For L. Frank Baum's 154 birthday, we present a multi-voice reading of Aunt 'Phroney's Boy, one of his lesser-known short stories. Featuring performances by Mike Conway, Zach Allen, Karyl Carlson, Doug Wall, and Eric Gjovaag. The podcast can be listened to on the podcast site, or the player below.

Though this podcast took awhile to get together, with most of the cast recording independently, and one of the others being a Skype virgin, as well as the hours of editing, I think it worked well. I thought Zach was effective as the boy, who treats a woman (who is just a little better than a stranger to him) to a fine time. Karyl was amazing as Aunt 'Phroney (though the quality of her recording wasn't quite on level with the rest), capturing the voice of the character brilliantly, and Mike is a great storyteller. Doug and Eric also gave excellent performances, though they had smaller roles than the others.

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