
Saturday, July 10, 2010

See you at Winkies!

Those of you going, anyways.

I'm still ironing out the last details of my travel plans and getting a current photo ID just in case, but plans are all go.

There's also going to be a hiatus on the blogs about the Oz books as I'm awaiting some more Thompson books. And then, I'm thinking I'll take them with me so I have something to read on the way.

Sam, as you can probably guess, is not going because for me, it's enough expenditure to go halfway across the country, but for him, it's going to another country, and he has other commitments. So, I'll leave it to Sam to maybe write a blog or two while I'm gone.

As for another podcast, I'm editing one now and will have it up before I leave for Winkies. I'm attempting to do one podcast a month just now.

And speaking of Winkies and podcasts, if you're there, look for me (if I don't find you first!), I look like this and will be wearing a Royal Podcast of Oz pin. (If my finances would allow, I'd buy a lot and send them to all podcast guests!)

And by the way, if you're a Winkies attendee, or just interested in attending, you might want to get the (unofficial) Winkies Newsletter. It's monthly, with special reports every now and then.

And no, Debbie, I can't sneak away to the Being Human panel at the San Diego Comic Con!


  1. Good luck and have a great time!

    Be sure to give Eric G. a big kiss from me!!

  2. I think I'll leave that honor to Laura G., his wife!


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