
Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Royal Website of Oz is up!

Hey! Remember the website I said I was going to build?

Well... It's up! It's a revamp of my old Dorothy & Ozma Productions website, but now it's The Royal Website of Oz! It even has an easy URL:

Comparing the sites, you can see that I actually redesigned it from scratch. I took out some of the gaudier design elements. While the website design still features white text on green, the green emerald pattern is gone. Some complained that caused eyestrain.

The podcast, blog, and other Oz sites I maintain are not moving to this site, but are being treated as external extensions of the site.

Most of the content of the site is the old site's content. A couple things were dropped. One of the additions that took a bit to work out is that the text adventure games I created are now available to play online through a PC emulator that works through Java.

Now, while all the pages work, the site is still partially under construction. The e-texts will be put into PDF files, the reference section is going to be expanded with more biographies, and lists of book reviews will actually be an index of reviews from the blog.

The Woggle-Bug Review, one feature from the old site that many visitors enjoyed, is being split into three pages, one for film and TV, one for stage, and one for audio productions. While the capsule reviews will remain, I want to build PDF "fact sheets" about each of them, entailing cast and crew and plot summary.

Anyways, at long last, we can ignore that old icky Tripod site! Long live the Royal Website of Oz!

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