
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Updates, people!

For those of you who did not subscribe to the Winkie newsletter for my convention report, you can read that issue as a PDF here.

I'm considering doing the rest of the Famous Forty (and beyond) blogs out of sequence. Remember, I'm covering all Oz stories by the authors of the Famous Forty. Just now, here are the numbers of Oz books by them I own (not including Baum):

THOMPSON - Out of her 22 Oz books, I own 8.
NEILL - Of his 4, I have none yet.
SNOW - He wrote two Oz novels, neither of which I own, but I have Who's Who In Oz, and the "Best of the Baum Bugle" with his seemingly dropped Oz chapter "The Crystal People."
COSGROVE PAYES - I have the complete Cosgrove with her two novels, two Oz short stories for Oz-Story and the original version of the first chapter of The Hidden Valley of Oz.
THE MCGRAWS - I do not have Merry Go-Round in Oz, but I do have The Forbidden Fountain of Oz (thanks, kind donor!), The Rundelstone of Oz in its original printing from Oz-Story 6, and the story "The Magic Land."

And actually, thanks to another person who has helped me get these post-Baum Oz books who knows who they are. They just won't be named in public.

I've been puttering away at my Oz story with the editor, and we think we've finally got the first chapter to where we can leave it until the story's finished and it can be re-examined. I'm considering posting the first chapter from my original draft, but might wait until I have the story finished. Let me tell you, though, it's radically different from the current draft. The main plot element from the original version is very underplayed in the revision, though it will come back into prominence later.

The story will feature a split plot featuring the Wizard, Ozma, Button-Bright, and some other characters from Baum's works. I'm not referencing Thompson or the rest of the Famous Forty, simply because all the explaining would bog down my story. It could happen just before her Oz stories, or there could be some events that are not yet chronicled in between the Famous Forty and my story.

Okay... That everything? I think so... Later!

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