
Thursday, July 21, 2011

I've Got A Loverly Bunch Of Bugles

One of the highlights at the Winkie Convention that wasn't on the program was the International Wizard of Oz Club's Warehouse Blowout Sale.

From what I heard last year, the Club's gotten a lot of overstock over the years, and with switching to a new order fulfillment company, it would really help if they didn't have so much to move. Especially a lot back issues of The Baum Bugle and Oziana. I think I heard that the new company won't handle them.

I heard that the sale will be repeated at the Banner Elk Convention next month. Back issues of The Baum Bugle and Oziana were just 25 cents, paperback books were $1, and hardcovers were $2. They had a number of Thompson and Snow Oz books at Winkies, so if you're going and have been interested in some of the other Famous Forty, here's your chance to get them for CHEAP!

They weren't selling some of the more recent books they've published, such as The Wicked Witch of Oz, The Hidden Valley of Oz, The Hidden Prince of Oz, and just about anything published in the last 10 years or so. (Aside from back issues of The Baum Bugle and Oziana.) I'd suppose these books are more in demand than the ones they were selling off. (They had several of the old oversize paperbacks they reprinted as standard Oz books.) I did want to pick up Sissajig and Other Surprises, but didn't expect it to be in the sale, and I wouldn't mind getting a hardcover of The Ozmapolitan of Oz.

Anyways, I went to that sale and picked up every issue of The Baum Bugle and Oziana that I knew I didn't have.

And then the day after I got home, I got a complete set of The Baum Bugle back issues from 1990-2000. So, I have LOTS of Baum Bugles to read...

And no real place to store them.

... How do you organize your Baum Bugles? I mean, counting what I've picked up over the years and my own membership with the Club, I believe I have the complete run from 2004 to the present.

I really got to sort these out...

1 comment:

  1. Most of my Bugles are currently in storage, so I can't really answer the question. If I had the room, though, I'd probably reserve a shelf for them.


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