
Saturday, July 02, 2011

One final break...

... in the FF+ blogs. I'll finish with the three books by Eloise McGraw and her daughter Lauren Lynn after my trip. I leave for the Winkie Convention late Tuesday night.

But in the meantime, if you've enjoyed reading my views on these, maybe you'll enjoy some others.

A number of Oz fans have enjoyed Mari Ness' blogs about the Oz books (and related films and books) at I've yet to read them all myself, but the ones I have read show that this is someone who doesn't have longterm ties to Oz like most of nutty members of the International Wizard of Oz Club. (Her concept of Ozma fail is proof of this.)

And there's the Books of Current Focus page, where they go over all the FF+, though they don't cover the standalone short stories. You'll see some familiar names there, such as charter Club member Ruth Berman and blog team member Nathan DeHoff.

All right, let's see about that packing. I think rolling works better than folding when it comes to clothes... I just hope I have room for them around all these books!

1 comment:

  1. The travel is always the most... fun. Land travel, gives one leisure to do stuff. And for you, it will be Oz stuff, I hope.

    Eo tutus, meus amicus.


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