
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Oziana #38 is out!

Oziana, the International Wizard of Oz Club's magazine of original Oz fiction, begins new life as a print on demand item available on

Also, it contains my first published Oz story! No, it's not tied to my upcoming Outsiders from Oz in any way.

Underneath the cover by Alex Garcia from Spain, you'll find five new stories!

  • In "Executive Decisions" by David Tai, Dorothy, Betsy, and Trot discover a secret Ozma has been keeping since The Lost King of Oz. Illustrated by Kim McFarland.
  • In "Bud and the Red Jinn, or, Always Never Look A Gift Goat Horse in the Mouth" by Jared Davis, Prince Bobo of Boboland makes a surprise visit to the land of Ix during Zixi's Queen's Festival. However, King Bud of Noland and Jinnkicky, the Red Jinn of Ev, are concerned over the Prince's gift for the Queen. Illustrated by Anna-Maria Cool.
  • "Polychrome Visits the Sea Fairies" in Gina Wickwar's new story, a follow up to The Sea Fairies. Illustrated by Alex Garcia.
  • "Thy Fearful Symmetry" by Jeff Rester unveils the origins of the Hungry Tiger. Illustrated by Dennis Anfuso.
  • And finally, Maria and Derek from The Bashful Baker of Oz go on "The Bashful Baker's Honeymoon" by Marcus Mebes. Most couples get to take a honeymoon, and some go on a cruise, but not everyone gets a cruise on the Crescent Moon! Illustrated by Alex Garcia.
And all this can be ordered for only $10 right here!


  1. So Jared, are you gonna let me review your stories for a change??? I'm sure I'll be as kind as you were! LOL!!!!

  2. Anyone who has read my work is welcome to review it.

  3. I would like to blame your blog and David Maxine for that story.

    That is all.


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