
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Meeting the "Witches" cast!

Wait? Angelo blogging on a Thursday? And doing something other than a "weekly update" blog?

Yeah, you heard right! I'm blogging today because I got to meet a couple people from the new movie "Dorothy and the Witches of Oz"! Al Snow, Barry Ratcliffe, an Leigh Scott are all in town for the premiere of the movie tomorrow night here in Louisville. They stopped by my school today to talk up the movie to the 3rd-7th grade kids.

I'm in 8th grade for those who don't know, so my mom (who happens to be the Spanish teacher) came and bailed me out of class so I could go watch! Let me just say, it was surreal. I'm so used to seeing Barry and Al on screen that it was kind of weird meeting them in person.

As soon as I came in, I was greeted by Al and Barry, who were very nice. Then, Leigh came over. For those who don't know, I talk to Leigh a lot online, and we're pretty good friends. I had a total geek out moment here and was a little overwhelmed. I got a movie poster and a premiere invitation from Leigh, and we even got a photo taken together!

Barry was hysterically funny throughout their little presentation, and he really got the kids into it. They handed out posters, and took questions from kids. All of the kids seemed really excited for the movie, and most had great questions. Others... not so much. Like, "Did you all write the Oz books too?" and "Are there any people from the original Oz movie in this one?"

Tomorrow night, I'll be attending the premiere event here in Louisville. Word is that they've changed and cut some things (and one big difference) since I've seen it, so I will writing another blog on the event, and my thoughts on the final product of the movie.

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