
Friday, February 15, 2013

'Oz the Great and Powerful' Premiere & New Clips

Happy Friday! Once again, lots of Oz the Great and Powerful news this week.

First, I'd like to mention that we've added a countdown widget to the blog for the movie. Nothing else to say about that, other than the fact that it looks pretty darn cool over there in the sidebar.

Now for the news...

Disney Channel's Movie Surfers interviewed Oz stars Zach Braff and Joey King and showed off a bunch of new footage from the film. You can watch all of that coolness right here.

Two new TV spots as well as a sixty-second promo for the film have just been released online. You can watch them here, here and here.

An in-depth behind-the-scenes featurette was recently released via Yahoo! Movies. You can watch that here. A shorter version of this was aired on Entertainment Tonight earlier this week.

Mila Kunis was a guest on The Ellen Degeneres Show on Tuesday to chat about Oz. A new clip from the film was shown, but Mila spent most of the time on the show gushing about Ashton Kutcher. The clip has not yet been released or leaked online anywhere, unfortunately.

James Franco was on Jimmy Kimmel Live on Wednesday night to talk about the world premiere of the film in Los Angeles. You can watch the entire interview, including a new clip from the film, in three parts: here, here, and here.

You can see pictures from the L.A. premiere here.

Check out some of the premiere interviews below from Popsugar, who streamed the red carpet event online through their Facebook page.
As I mentioned in last week's blog, my friend Ryan Jay, who is a film critic and an avid Oz fan, attended the premiere on Wednesday and got to interview some of the cast and crew. As we wait to see the interviews, here are some pictures that he posted on his Facebook page.

Ryan Jay interviewing composer Danny Elfman

Ryan Jay interviewing actress Joey King, who plays China Girl

Rachel Weisz was on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night to talk about the movie, and she brought an awesome new clip from the movie with her. You can watch the interview in three parts, here, here, and here.

Surprisingly, we actually have more news other than just Oz the Great and Powerful stuff this week as well... but, be warned- it's not much to be excited about.

Warner Horizon Television has picked up a new television series called Red Brick Road, which is apparently a dark, edgy sequel to The Wizard of Oz. We don't know much about the plot yet, but the leaked concept art speaks for itself. This looks disastrous. Read more about the planned show at Variety. 

That's all for this week! I'm so thrilled that Oz the Great and Powerful is almost upon us, and there's so much news about it lately.

Enjoy the weekend...

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