
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Guess where I am?

As this post goes live, I'm actually on a Greyhound bus on my way to the Winkie Convention! Sam and—for the first time—Shawn Maldonado will be going as well.

To get topics cleared off my head, I wrote some blogs ahead of time and there will be new entries every weekday this week. Next week, Mike Conway says he'll try to come up with something, and I'll be back with audio for a new Winkie report podcast, which will be hopefully better than last year's. (I really buckled down and finished the last podcast because I didn't want an unfinished one waiting for me when I got back.)

Also, I should be able to report about a lot of Oz books after I get back! I'll be proofing my copy of Royal Explorers of Oz: Terra Obscura (I guess it's no longer The Scourge of the Crescent Moon) and I have seven books from Chris Dulabone to enjoy on my trip there, and I'm told there will be new Oz books for sale.

So, I'll be blogging again when I get back, and for those of you going, I'll see you there!

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