
Sunday, June 25, 2023

The Royal Podcast of Oz: The Movies of Oz - The Witches of Oz

 Jay and Sam are joined by Angelo Thomas in breaking down the miniseries The Witches of Oz and its movie counterpart Dorothy and the Witches of Oz.

Angelo reveals behind the scenes details and gives us the scoop on the unrealized sequel.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I was unaware that the theatrical cut of The Witches of Oz was never released to DVD, so I didn't fully realize how fortunate it was that I was able to see it in the theater. I still remember the details of the evening pretty well, despite it being over a decade ago. To be brutally honest, while I had a good time attending the screening, I remember thinking that the movie was one of the most sub-par things I've paid money to see. I also sort of thought it was unfair of the theater to play all the usual trailers for upcoming blockbusters (i.e. The Amazing Spider-Man, The Hobbit, etc.) beforehand, because of course the movie the audience was there to watch couldn't help looking somewhat lackluster by comparison. Naturally, I didn't express that opinion to the members of the cast I got to meet afterward (Eliza, Noel and Barry), who were all super friendly and signed a poster for me, which I still have. Despite not having formed the highest opinion of the film, listening to this podcast makes me wish I could see it again. I'm also sorry that the sequel Angelo described was never made, because it sounds interesting.


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