
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Guidelines for submitting to "The Wonders of Oz"

(Splitting last blog entry.)

As I've pointed people to my blog with my video, I guess I'd better explain the "help out" thing...

You can lend a hand in producing The Wonders of Oz. What'll it cost you? Nothing! I made the episode with no budget! (Well, other than the utility bill, the phone bill, and I guess rent, too.) If you are interested in being a "substitute" host in case Aaron Pacentine is too busy to record the narration, you can e-mail me a recorded sample of your voice. (I prefer mp3 files.) If I decide to have you narrate an episode, your real name and your photograph will be included. (These are a MUST. Being the host is not for anyone who wishes to be anonymous.)

If you have something you'd like to say, you can record it in either audio or video. The video cannot go over one minute of length, unless I specially request it. I am limited by YouTube's 10-minute length, and, in addition, we need to cater to those with short attention spans. I will also need your real name here, unless you remain anonymous, which will go only for audio. You can also send little interesting facts that you think should be included in certain episodes. (I'll get a revised list of planned episodes up soon.)

The biggest thing I need help with are the pictures! Seriously, I HATE scanning! I'll do it, however. If you have rare pictures that will be of use in the episodes, please send them. If you have pictures scanned into your computer, please send them. Even if I already have a copy I'm using, I'll credit you. (You CAN remain anonymous here!)

One thing I do want to ask. Please do not send me links on where or who I can get information from. I'm not mentioning any names, because it's been more than one person. But most of the time when this happens, I was already aware of what you're trying to say. Someone, in fact, even suggested that I consult Aaron Pacentine! (They obviously did not keep track on my blog of how I have had communication with him, and how I appeared on his radio show, and how I review HIS show, and before that e-mail, he had already expressed interest in being the host.) I've been researching Oz for awhile now, folks! If I didn't know these certain things, I wouldn't be doing this show. Pure and simple. I'm not trying to be rude, but there we go.

Now for my e-mail. View it in my Blogger profile. Basically, if you can't click on my pic and find the e-mail address, something is seriously wrong with you.

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