
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Returning to Oz #25

Well, there's a new episode up for "Returning to Oz," BUT... this time, it's a video. And it's on YouTube, so NO DOWNLOADING REQUIRED. (I mean, you can download YouTube videos and convert them to practically any format you like, but that's beyond the scope of this blog...)

In the first part, after we are introduced to Aaron Pacentine, Sean Pollock, and Gabriel Rodriguez, Sean and Gabe talk a little bit about some of their Oz projects, including Mr. Rodriguez's upcoming Return to Oz documentary, which will be called The Joy That Got Away. During the rest of part 1, Sean talks about his experience with the Wicked musical. Interest piqued? Here's part 1.

On to part 2!
Sean talks a little bit about international Wicked. Gabriel is also able to talk about his inspiration for his upcoming documentary. (You can bet I'll blog on that!) Sean also shows off a bit of his Oz collection, including a first edition of "The Sea Fairies," a copy of "The Patchwork Girl of Oz" (which he says is believed to be a first edition, but it is obviously not, as it is in paperback), and some other items, including a sample of Queen Ann in Oz co-author Karyl Carlson's Oz Dolls. Get the full eyeful below!

And we then come to part 3. Sean shows off a few books in his collection. (He mistakenly calls the Return to Oz novelization "very rare.") Aaron closes the show with letting Sean and Gabriel and then himself talk about why they love Oz, especially Return to Oz.
And I guess you're expecting to see part 3 here, so here you go...

All in all, this is a very solid way to try out a new format for the series. The video would probably bore anyone with a short attention span, as it is, most of the time, three people talking to each other or to the camera/the audience. Sean doing his "show and tell," however, offers a bit of a break for anyone who thinks "talking heads" are dull. But to anyone interested in Oz, this will be a delight.

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