
Friday, July 31, 2009


I get a few questions, so I figured I should answer some.
  • Isn't your name actually Jared? That is my birth name, yes, and when I wrote several of my first published works and blogs, I was going by that name. "Jay" is the name I prefer now.
  • Are you affiliated with the International Wizard of Oz Club? No. I am a member of the Club, but all of my Oz projects, whether or not they involve other Club members, are not endorsed by the Club or any other organization.  Yes, I am. I currently help edit the "Oz and Ends" section of The Baum Bugle. This blog, my podcast, and any of my other sites, however, are not affiliated with the Club. (They don't even link to me.)
  • Can I get your help with my Oz story? No. I did do a blog sometime back advising that I be e-mailed prior to sending me anything, but recently, I'd just prefer not to get involved. After all, it's not like I'm a published author... I am open to giving advice, but you must understand that I now also write Oz fiction. By communicating with me, you take the risk of my accidentally stealing your idea. I don't mean to, but later on, I might remember the idea, but not that it was yours. Or perhaps we could collaborate.
  • Why won't you talk to me? Because I have the option. Some people have expected me to maintain correspondence with them, and frankly, I don't have the time. Aside from the various Oz projects, I have a job and other things to do that are not Oz-related, so expecting (and in some cases, demanding) a correspondence can come off as rude and inconsiderate.
  • Hey, can I see your Oz screenplay? Unless you're a movie studio executive or my fellow screenwriter, or someone who I'd really trust (in which case, you wouldn't ask), no.
  • Can you send me ____'s contact information? Unless it's definitely a matter for the greater good, I do not share anyone else's contact information without their consent.
  • You used a clip from ____ in one of your videos! How do I get that? Look around. I amassed my Oz video collection by being a smart shopper and looking for good deals and people selling from their own collection.
  • How do you make a podcast? Various ways. A podcast can be one or more people speaking on a certain subject, or a variety of subjects, usually tied to the same topic. This is recorded and released online. I tend to use Skype and edit my recordings with Audacity. You can read more about the podcast at the Podcast's FAQ page.
  • How do I get so many views? In my case, it happened after I put myself out where other Oz fans are. Get to your intended audience, let them know you're there. And be attractive. I started with text-based video games, reviews, online e-texts, and now do blogs, podcasts, and videos. No one is interested in a plain vanilla website with no interesting content. They might look, but they're not sticking around. (Oh, and having good manners helps.)
  • How do I make money with my Oz enthusiasm? After I make a red cent with mine, I'll get back to you. I'm not in this for money or attention. If you are, you're talking to the wrong guy. I just want to provide quality Ozzy content for Oz fans and encourage activity in the Oz community. EDIT: For those curious, I have set up an Amazon affiliate and the Zazzle store. All funds (if any) from those are going to help pay for the hosting for the podcast (I switched it over to a paid account), and for the website I'm still trying to find a good host for.
  • Hey, you didn't mention ____ on your blog, so let me fill you in... While I like getting Ozzy news, the Royal Blog of Oz is not, and has never been, a news site. There are various sites to keep up on Ozzy news, including this great site. A number of people write me to tell me about things that I haven't mentioned on my blog. I'm not trying to maintain a news site, so I'm not posting blogs about every bit of news I hear. Of course I've done some, but don't expect me to blog about everything!
  • Can you announce this for me on your blog? Maybe. E-mail me with it. Remember that doing so is just a favor and I am under no obligation to pass along announcements.
(I'm going to link to this in the sidebar. I may update it when a new question arises.)


  1. You missed one question...

    How can I talk to girls without weeping or setting fire to myself?


  2. As you're married, I should think you'd know...

    You could become a vampire. That seems to be a given... Or talk to my friend, Tully.

  3. Greetings Jared,

    I stumbled upon your blog (LOVE!) and I represent Dorothy Gita Morena, who is L. Frank Baum's great-granddaughter. She is a psychotherapist, teacher, and author who brings the legacy of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz into many aspects of her work/ speaking engagements.

    If you are interested I’d like connect her with you via a guest post or announcement board. The real-life Dorothy enjoys collaborating with all kinds of company on the yellow brick road. Is this a possibility? You can check out her sites for more info as well:


    Professional Site:

    Book: "The Wisdom of Oz" (in eBook also).

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Enjoy your day!

    Kat Cowley

    Representative to Dorothy Gita Morena


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