
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

A little quiet?

I know, not a lot of blogs recently. The next in the series of "books connected to The Road To Oz" series of analysis blogs is John Dough & the Cherub (and I'm considering doing The Sea Fairies, as it's connected through Sky Island, just like The Magical Monarch of Mo was through The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus), but as I'm re-reading each book before I do a blog about it, I haven't reread it yet. (I made The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus an exception as I'd already done many blogs about it, and will likely do more, so I just made an index of those blogs.)

I did write a few John Dough blogs last year when the book was reissued by Hungry Tiger Press, but it was more of a review than an analysis. However, those led to my being asked to review the book's new edition for The Baum Bugle, which led to more reviews for the Bugle. (Even more will be coming.)

Why I haven't reread the book yet is because I've been reading another book I've been trying to finish for a few months. (It's slow going. I thought it was finally picking up after the first 300 pages, but then it slowed right back down.) I've only 80 pages left, so I should be done soon. (Should have taken it with me on my post office run this morning...)

By the way, some might wonder why I said Sky Island was connected to Oz through The Road to Oz. It's just about a reverse case for most of the other books, which were connected by having characters from those books appear in The Road to Oz, this time, characters from The Road to Oz appeared in Sky Island.

I'm also writing something for a possible publication that may be published before the end of the year, but that's all I'm going to say. It it happens, I'll tell you.

I need to get back into my video-making, but it is tedious work. Sorry for the delays there.

Podcasting is continuing. The next Manga episode might not be for awhile, as the conversation between me and Sam needs to be heavily edited. (Blank spots, too many spoilers, irrevelant parts.) However, the next podcast, if all goes to plan, will be recorded tomorrow night. It will be an interview with one of my blog followers who's been working on a project he'll be releasing soon.

Keep your eyes and ears open, I'm not taking a break. (Yet... But that's enough.)

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